Sunday, January 3, 2010


Author :- Jaymala

1. Complete self curb not only to the extent of not showing any anger, but remaining absolutely quiet and undisturbed under all circumstances.

Above all, staleness have the knowledge that the Teacher himself staleness always progress if he wants his students to progress, staleness not remain mitigated either with what he is or with what he knows.

Must not have any sense of essential superiority over his students, nor preference or attachment whatsoever for digit or another.

Must know that all are equal spiritually and instead of mere tolerance staleness have a global comprehension or understanding.

Should always be punctual and come to the class a few minutes before it begins.

6. Always right dressed.

7. Know thoroughly what you have to teach. Try to get a good understanding of your students and their particular needs.

8. Be rattling stabilize and rattling patient; never get angry; digit staleness be officer of oneself in order to be a officer of others.

9. Children staleness be knowledgeable in an atmosphere of love and gentleness. No violence, never. No scolding, never.Teacher staleness be the living example of the virtues the child staleness acquire.

10. Teacher staleness be their best friend who gives them the example of the qualities they staleness acquire.

11. It is absolutely forbidden to hit the children-all blows are forbidden, even the slightest little slap or the so called friendly punch. Blowing a child indicates a demand of self curb and it is harmful for both pedagogue and student.

Disciplinary measures haw be taken if necessary, but in complete stabilize and not because of a personal reaction.

13. Never demand from a child an try of discipline that you do not make yourself .Calm, equanimity, order, method, epilepsy of useless words, ought to be constantly experienced by the pedagogue if he wants to drill them into his pupils.